Please download and return the first requested forms.
Please fill out the Google Form as well.
Parent Meeting Packet (Checklist and Team dues, etc...)
If you weren't at the meeting November 13th, please print and complete along with all other requested forms
Link to Athlete Sign-up Google Form (follow link to enter all information)
Team Rules and Code of Conduct (Please print, sign and return to acknowledge)
2020 Athlete-Parent Team Handbook
Remind Message Services: We now have two (2) accounts! Instructions linked below
Physical Form (Official GHSA physical form required before any participation)
Link to Purchase Supplemental Insurance (Insurance of some form is required to participate)
November Parent Night Presentation (PowerPoint slides from meeting 11/13/19)
If you weren't at the meeting November 13th, please print and complete along with all other requested forms
Link to Athlete Sign-up Google Form (follow link to enter all information)
Team Rules and Code of Conduct (Please print, sign and return to acknowledge)
2020 Athlete-Parent Team Handbook
Remind Message Services: We now have two (2) accounts! Instructions linked below
Physical Form (Official GHSA physical form required before any participation)
Link to Purchase Supplemental Insurance (Insurance of some form is required to participate)
November Parent Night Presentation (PowerPoint slides from meeting 11/13/19)